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The Watchers (2021-25) is a captivating series of animated and oil paintings that transport viewers to the Land of the Twins, a mystical realm rooted in Beninese folklore and Vodou spirituality. This series delves into the enigmatic Marassa Jumeaux, celestial twins who embody a profound blend of divine power and human vulnerability. Operating under the guiding principles of "Love, Truth, and Justice," the Marassa Jumeaux are more than just spiritual figures—they are complex symbols of duality, paradox, and the intricate balance between the divine and the human.

Through vivid imagery and intricate symbolism, The Watchers challenges conventional understandings of spirituality, encouraging viewers to reconsider the boundaries between the sacred and the earthly. The Marassa Jumeaux transcend traditional dualities, standing as representations of Haiti's philosophical depth, where contradiction and harmony coexist. This series invites you on a journey to explore the delicate interplay of opposites, the fluidity of identity, and the spiritual forces that shape our understanding of existence.

In the Land of the Twins, the Marassa Jumeaux guide us through a world where love, truth, and justice are not just ideals but lived experiences that blur the lines between the seen and unseen, the mortal and the divine. The Watchers is a meditation on the nature of duality, urging us to reflect on the ways in which we navigate the complexities of life, faith, and the connections between all beings.

Materials: Media: ink, tempera, oil paint scanned and exported to HD video on a LED monitor in a wooden box and large-scale oil paintings on linen.

Hermafrodek Op. 1 No. 2 (2022)

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